
Model: Delay Factor
16 Tap Stereo Delay with Modulation
Setting up a
stereo, ping-pong, or multi-tap delay has never been easier! Delay
Factor� has a large, intuitive display field which allows
you to drag and drop any of the 16 delay taps, simultaneously
editing both the delay time and the output panning. Fine tuning the
delay to match the beat of the song is even easier; just dial in
the BPM or tap in the tempo, and select the interval you want to
quantize to - note, whole note, triplet, etc. All taps will
simultaneously 'snap' to the correct interval.
Adjusting all the other parameters is easy too. All values for a
single tap are automatically displayed on easy to adjust sliders
when you click on the tap in the display field. Set the level,
regeneration, regeneration panning, or the tap's filter. Each tap
has a 4th order high and low pass filter to allow you to narrow in
on any portion of the input. And of course, all parameters are
automated through the D8B's automation engine, and all parameters
can be stored or recalled as a preset.

Drag and Drop delay
taps to adjust pan and delay time setting
Tape Delay modelling on
each tape - as you change delay times you hear the tap move
smoothly. No more "click-click-click" of digital delay
Delay Field shows only
enabled taps. Left and Right delay Taps are color coded and
positioned graphically in the Delay Field
8 Taps per delay (left
and right) for a total of 16 taps, with individual parameters for
Enable, Output Level and Pan, Regen Level and
Pan, Delay Time, High
Pass and Low Pass Filters
Full (100%)
regeneration capability for infinite delay looping
Adjust all delay times
at once using the global Tempo control, and quantize all times at
once using the global Quantize control.
High and Low Pass
filters are each 4th order with frequency adjustment in
approximately 1/12 octave steps
Automation fully
integrated with D8B
Save and recall
Delay Time is sample
accurate when scaled by global Tempo control
Tape speed up/slow down
'pitch' control is globally adjustable
over a 2 octave range
Time: 5 - 1105
Number of delay taps: 8
left, 8 right
Regen: 0 to
LFO Waveforms: "Sine,"
"Triangle," "Sawtooth," "Inverse Sawtooth," "Square," "Envelope 1,"
"Envelope 2"
Tap level range: off to
+12 dB
High pass filter: 4th
order (24 dB/octave)
Low pass filter: 4th
order (24 dB/octave)
Filter range: 20Hz to
Tempo: 60 - 240
Delay time
quantization: off to 4:1
Speed: 60 - 2400
Acceleration: 0 -
Input gains: off to