
Model: Final Mix
A real-time stereo mastering processor plug-in for the
Labs’ Final Mix enables you to master your sessions within
the D8B, printing directly to hard disk or DAT without having to
rely on expensive mastering houses or outboard gear. Specifically
designed for use with the Mackie Universal Effects (UFX) card,
Final Mix can dramatically elevate the quality of your mixes and
help you to create your own professional masters. With an extensive
palette of sonic tools, including 3-band dynamics processing,
6-band (pre and post) parametric EQs, adjustable cross over points
and individual band key filtering, Final Mix lets you zero in on
exact frequencies to adjust or emphasize crucial elements of your
Final Mix employs three individual dynamics processors (low, mid
and high) with noise gating and soft clip limiting to provide ultra
smooth compression or expansion. Each dynamics band features
individual threshold, attack and release times. A graphical contour
edit screen for each band allows you to easily set a desired ratio
and to create your own hard knee or soft knee, or even draw in an
expander curve. Each dynamics band features its own key filter that
allows you to emphasize or de-emphasize a portion of the signal
within the band. The Soft Clip feature adds a smooth, analog-style
clip response when your signal gets close to overload. Other
features such as Noise Gate, Band Linking and more ensure that
Final Mix will be an integral part of your mixes from here

6-band pre-dynamics
parametric equalizer
3-band dynamics
6-band post-dynamics
parametric equalizer
Graphical (user
definable) dynamics band contours
Adjustable crossover
points for multi-band dynamics
Adjustable crossover
slopes for multi-band dynamics
Node based
adjustment of EQ bands and dynamics bands
Soft Clip feature
– provides peak overload protection
Noise gate –
with threshold adjustment
DC removal filter
– automatically removes DC offset noise
Dynamics bands
linking – simplifies use in stereo
Global enable
On/Off for the
dynamics section and each EQ
Separate dynamics
and EQ reset buttons
Plug-in patch load
and save
Memories A and B
– compare settings quickly and easily
Input, output and
gain reduction metering
6–band parametric
EQ: Gain +/–15.0dB; Freq. 20Hz to 20kHz; Q range 0.1 –
16; Filter type High/Low shelf or bandpass
Dynamics: Gain Makeup
+/–15dB; Attack 0 to 100ms; Release 30ms to 3000ms; Threshold
–48dBfs to 0dBfs
Input/ Output Meters:
–90dBfs to 0dBfs
Soft Clip: Threshold:
0.0dB to –20.0dB
Noise Gate Threshold:
0dBfs to –125dBfs
Crossover Frequencies:
20Hz to 20kHz
Crossover slopes:
6dB/octave to 36dB/octave
Frequency Centers: Band
1: 20Hz to 20kHz, Band 2: 20Hz to 20kHz, Band 3: 20Hz to
Bandwidth: 0 to 10
DC filter: on off,
frequency = 3.3Hz
Soft Clip: –20 to
Gate Threshold:
–125dB to 0dB
Auto Gain Make Up:
–15 to +15dB
Key Gain: 15 to