512 “Close-Talk” Voice Communication

Product Code: 512
Additional Recommended Uses:
- Intercom
- Voice Recognition
Designed for broadcast applications and communication systems.
Suitable for environments with high levels of background noise.
Note: For proper operation, mouth-to-microphone distance should be
1 inch (2.5 cm) or less. |
Features |
- Frequency response tailored for
voice communications
- Directional microphone
- Minimal pick-up of background
noise due to close-talk design
- Earphone on left side only;
right side is foam pad
- Three conductor, shielded,
straight cable with connectors
- XLR male connector for mic;
¼” male phone plug for earphone
- Does not require DC power for
Specification |
- Type
Dynamic, close-talking
- Frequency Response (at 8 mm 5/16
50 to 15,000 Hz
View detailed
- Polar Pattern
Cardioid (unidirectional) response uniform with frequency,
symmetrical about axis
- Impedance
Microphone rating impedance is 150 Ohms (200 Ohms actual) for
connection to microphone inputs rated at 19 to 300
- Output Level (closed-talked at
1,000 Hz)
Open-circuit voltage: -47.0 dB (4.5 mV), 0 dB=1 volt per 100
Power Level: -66.0 dB, 0 dB=1 milliwatt per 10
- Hum Sensitivity (typical)
38.4 dB equivalent SPL in 1 millioersted field
- Polarity
Positive pressure on diaphragm produces positive voltage on red
lead and pin 2 of connector.
- Type
Dynamic, open-air, left side only
- Frequency Response
100 to 10,000 Hz, tailored for voice
- Impedance
300 Ohms at 1,000 Hz
- Polarity
Positive voltage on cable conductor produces positive
- Output Level (at 1,000 Hz)
94 dB SPL at ear with 1 mW input
- Cable
2.1 m (7 ft.) attached cables: one 2-conductor shielded with black
3-pin XLR connector (microphone) and one single-conductor shielded
with 2-circuit phone plug (headphones).
- Headset
Stainless steel and thermoplastic with foam
- Net Weight
186 grams (6.5 oz.) including connectors