ULXS14/30 Headworn
Wireless System |
ULXS14/50 Lavalier Wireless System |
ULXS14/51 Lavalier
Wireless System |
ULX Standard Wireless Headworn System, includes
WH30TQG Headset Mic, ULX1 BodyPack Transmitter and ULXS4 Diversity
ULX Wireless Standard Lavalier System with WL50
Lavalier Mic.
ULX Standard Wireless Lavalier System, includes
WL51B Subminiature Cardioid Lavalier Microphone, ULX1 Bodypack
Transmitter, and ULXS4 Diversity Receiver.
ULXS14/83 Lavalier
Wireless System |
ULXS14/84 Lavalier Wireless System |
ULXS14/85 Lavalier Wireless
System |
ULX Standard Wireless Lavalier System, includes WL183
Omnidirectional Lavalier Microphone, ULX1 Bodypack Transmitter, and
ULXS4 Diversity Receiver.
ULX Standard Wireless Lavalier System, includes
WL184 Supercardioid Lavalier Microphone, ULX1 Bodypack Transmitter,
and ULXS4 Diversity Receiver.
ULX Standard Wireless Lavalier System, includes
WL185 Cardioid Lavalier Microphone, ULX1 Bodypack Transmitter, and
ULXS4 Diversity Receiver
ULXS14/93 Lavalier
Wireless System |
ULXS14/98H Instrument
Wireless System |
ULXS24/58 Handheld
Wireless System |
ULX Standard Wireless Lavalier System, includes WL93
Omnidirectional Micro-Lavalier Microphone, ULX1 Bodypack
Transmitter, and ULXS4 Diversity Receiver.
ULX Standard Wireless Instrument System, includes
WB98H/C Clip-On Cardioid Condenser Instrument Microphone, ULX1
Bodypack Transmitter, and ULXS4 Diversity
ULX Standard Wireless Handheld System, includes ULX2/58 Handheld
Transmitter with SM58 Microphone, and ULXS4 Diversity
ULXS24/87 Handheld
Wireless System |
ULXS24/BETA58 Handheld
Wireless System |
ULXS24/BETA87A Handheld
Wireless System |
ULX Standard Wireless Handheld System, includes ULX2/87 Handheld
Transmitter with SM87 Microphone, and ULXS4 Diversity
ULX Standard Wireless Handheld System, includes
ULX2/Beta58 Transmitter with Beta 58A Microphone, and ULXS4
Diversity Receiver
ULX Standard Wireless Handheld System, includes
ULX2/Beta87A Handheld Transmitter with Beta 87A Mirophone, and
ULXS4 Diversity Receiver.
ULXS24/SM86 Handheld
Wireless System |
ULXS4 Standard Wireless Receiver |
ULX Standard Wireless Handheld System, includes
ULX2/SM86 Handheld Transmitter with SM86 Microphone, and ULXS4
Diversity Receiver.
The ULXS4 ULX Standard receiver offers an
exceptional value in both performance and price, for both working
musicians and sound installers. The feature set offers a direct
path to full, clear audio signals, unencumbered and