Glidecam X-Series Camera Stabilizers |

Glidecam X-45 View Detail
- Glidecam
X-45 is a highly advanced, professional camera stabilization system designed for film and video cameras weighing from 25 to 45 pounds.

Glidecam X-30 View Detail
- Glidecam
X-30 is a highly advanced, professional camera stabilization system designed for film and video cameras weighing from 15 to 30 pounds.
 Glidecam X-20 View Detail
- Glidecam
X-20 is a highly advanced, professional camera stabilization system designed for film and video cameras weighing from 10 to 20 pounds
 Glidecam Smooth Shooter
View Detail
- A body-mounted professional camera stabilization system for film and video cameras weighing up to 10 pounds when used with the
Glidecam 4000 Pro, or for cameras weighing up to 6 pounds
when used with the Glidecam 2000 Pro. (Glidecam 2000 Pro and 4000 Pro sold separately.)
 Glidecam X-10 View Detail
- A body-mounted professional camera stabilization system for film and video cameras weighing up to 6 pounds when used with the
Glidecam 2000 Pro, or for cameras weighing from 4 to 10 pounds when used with the Glidecam 4000 Pro.
 Glidecam X-10
Upgrade Kit View Detail
- Now you can easily convert your GLIDECAM SMOOTH SHOOTER into a GLIDECAM X-10 by using the Smooth Shooter to X-10 upgrade kit.