Keyboard and Remote Control Interface for 7-Series
The CL-1 Interface is a flexible accessory used to interface
external keyboards to Sound Devices 7-series audio recorders (702,
702T, 722, 744T and 788T / 788T-SSD). By connecting a standard PS-2
keyboard to the CL-1 all button and menu functions on the recorder
can be keyboard-controlled. One obvious benefit is the ability to
type scene and take names directly on the keyboard for maximum
speed and convenience.
A toggle switch is available as a convenient record start/stop
control. Contact closures on the CL-1 can be programmed for
numerous remote roll and remote playback functions.
All control and setup of the CL-1 is performed in the 7-Series
recorder setup menu.
The CL-1 is a hardware accessory for 7-Series recorders. External
alphanumeric keyboards (PS/2 type) and switch contacts (GPI)
connect to the CL-1 and their actions are programmed
within the 7-Series recorder setup menu. The CL-1 is powered by the
7-Series through the C. Link port on the recorder.
How to Use
• Connect the CL-1 to the
7-Series C. Link input connection using the included C. Link
• Program the keyboard and switch contact behavior from the
7-Series setup menu (complete documentation for CL-1 control is
included in user guide of the 702, 702T, 722, and 744T).
