Product Code: c555l

The new C 555
L head-worn microphone from AKG is rugged, extremely easy to use,
and offers outstanding price/performance. The C 555 L is the ideal
microphone for any handsfree application including gymnastics
instruction, presentations, or onstage performance. The C 555 L
rests securely and comfortably on the head, and can be attached to
the left or right side of the behind-the-neck headband as desired.
A transducer shock mount reduces handling noise to a minimum. The
moisture shield prevents perspiration from penetrating into the
transducer element, ensuring a high degree of humidity protection
for the microphone.
The C 555 L is the only version available and can be
used with the B 29 L battery power supply, AKG WMS Series bodypack
transmitters, or the MPA V L adapter for external phantom