Clear-Com Concert for Newsroom |

Product Code: Concertfor newsroom

Concert for Newsroom is an integrated communications and collaboration solution for ENPS newsroom members such as producers,
editors and journalists to initiate user-to-user calls, group conferencing and instant text chats directly from the ENPS application.
Features of Concert for Newsroom |
• One Click to Instantly Connect
No need to look for phone numbers in long phone directories or leave ENPS to start a chat on a third-party chat system. Just find
your contact, click on an icon and initiate a call, chat or conference.
• Immediately See Who is Available to Talk No more busy signals or need to leave voice mail messages. You can see the availability of any ENPS user who is available for a call
or message. Easily identifiable icons to make communication that much easier.
• Simultaneous Call or Chat Sessions On the phone with your editor, and suddenly have a quick question for a producer. Send a text message or initiate a simultaneous call
to a new user while a conversation is already in session. With Concert you can initiate another call without disconnecting your current session. Or instead, just send a quick chat.
• Conference Call With Multiple Users Need to have conference call with your producer, editor and several other reporters who work out of 4 different locations in 2
countries. With Concert, as long as the users have an Internet connection, a Conference can be initiated within minutes or even seconds.
• Direct Interruptible Audio Feeds From the Newsroom or Other Users
You can receive continuous Program Feeds from your newsroom that can be interrupted by any important communication from the news director or producer speaking over intercom. In addition,
journalists can momentarily deactivate the interruptible feature by enabling their OnAir mode, which cancel any interruption on the program feed while on that mode.
• Dedicated Conferences Within ENPS Stories
Working on a story within ENPS Stories and need to have a conference with either the editor, scripter and/or director. With Concert, any person working on the story can simply double-click on
the dedicated conference link in a particular Story area and be connected with each other.
Clear-Com and ENPS are fully integrated via the ENPS MOS Protocol.
Technical Details of Concert for Newsroom |
•Network: IP-based network, wired or wireless
•VPN: Not required
•Concert Server Hardware: Intel Pentium™ III or Higher, 1GB RAM minimum, 10G Hard Disk Drive, Ethernet Card 100Mb +
•Server Operating System: Centos v5.5, Red Hat™ Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 5
•Concert Client PC Hardware: 2.8GHz Intel Pentium™ 4 CPU or higher, 2GB RAM, 60MB hard disk space
•Concert Client PC Operating System: Windows XP™, Windows Vista™, Windows 7
•Server Configuration Web Interface (on client PC): Mozilla Firefox™ v1.0.7 or higher, Internet Explorer™ v6.0 or higher, Opera™ v9.0 or higher
•No. of Users: 200+
•No. of People per Conference: Unlimited
•Voice Quality: Built-in redundancy, packet loss reconstruction, recovery algorithms and jitter buffer optimization
•Audio Bandwidth: Supports Linear, G722 and Multiple Speex CODECs
•Bandwidth Utilization:
-Select best codec depending on the connection between both ends;
-Bandwidth for single connection varies from as low as 6kbps to 44kbps
• Headset: USB Headset (generic)
• USB Audio Interfaces: M-Audio Fast Track Pro, M-Audio Fast Track Ultra, ARX Audiobox USB I/O
• PCI Audio Interfaces: M-Audio Delta 1010