Sachtler Ace series tripod, 75mm in bowl size, targeting at professional yet with affordable price range without
compromising its well reputed quality. With entry level of Ace M series capable of handling 4 kg cameras load for price below USD 700.00 , this is first ever in the history that Sachtler offers at this economical price . Complete
fluid head offers smooth pan and tilt action with 5 step counterbalance. Sachtler Ace M series comes with 2 models , mid and ground spreader with alloy legs with 2 stage ( 1001 and 1002).
To lighten the organic overall tripod weight yet able to increase the payload capacity, Sachtler now offers you Aces L-series. With
Carbon fiber material built for its tripod and professional fluid head for weight of less than 4 kg and yet it is capable of handling 6kg payload. Like wise it has 2 models to meet your requirements,
namely Mid and Ground spreader. ( 1011 and 1012) all incorporated a 7 step counterbalance.
Last but not least Sachtler Ace also produces unique spread-less carbon fiber (1013) tripod weight just 4.1kg , with 7 step
counterbalance. All Sachtler Ace tripods come with a standard well designed hand carried soft bags.
Quality High-End product Sachtler has wide range of quality products in camera support which are cost-effective. Sachtler products are high-grade, flexible and
strong that fulfill the needs of cameramen's everyday work in serious climatic situations around the world.
The company develops sturdy, quick and genuine tripod heads, tripods and pedestals to give cameramen the best footage with high
quality ever. Sachtler fluid heads have capability to accept the payload from 0-140 kg. Its head fitting sizes are 75mm, 100mm, 150mm and Flat Base. Sachtler Tripod heads provides Snap & Go
side-loading mechanism. This makes the tripods heads to be mounted fast and easy.
Sachtler Aces are suitable for latest camcorders and DSLR Cameras. Sachtler tripods are made up of two kind of materials. They are
built using aluminum and Carbon fiber. Sachtler aluminum tripods can carry payload up to 0-140kg whereas carbon fiber tripods can hold load up to 0-95kg.
Pedestals produced by them are ideal for studio and OB
applications. Sachtler Pedestals works with Crab & Steer function which transforms the pedestal so that it is flexible and easy to use. Sachtler pedestals have special option so that it
could be splitted as dolly, column and hand wheel which makes it easy to transport. Quick fix connection in pedestals help us to connect the fluid head easily.
Sachtler products can be used in different industries like TV
stations, Production houses, Wedding crew, Documentary production, Studio and Live events.
You may view here for the Ace comparison chart View
More Professional Tripods
Sachtler Ace System Review 
** Admin ** Kindly note that there are 2 models for Sachtler Ace M series with 4 Kg pay load capacity namely 1001 and 1002 ( Mid and Ground spreader respectively ). Both
are of the same price - Visit our Singapore Shop
Best for my DSLR By Anthony on 1/2/2016
     This is the best fit for my DSLR cameras Canon 5D MKII, I have now
complete control of where I want the shooting angle to be, the smooth Pan- tilit and drag is what I like the most.
Value for Money By Anonymous on 30/1/2016
    I have checking around and I found your store, Not only I got the
best deal, I learnt something extra from your sales guy. Many thanks
Confusion over the Range By Murali on 28/12/2015
     Many Thanks for provide me the link
Sachtler Ace Comparision My Friend recommended to buy a Sachtler Ace, least I do not
know there are several model available. As I needed A smooth Fluid head tripod for less than 4 kg, thus I have selected Ace 1002. Hope to see you again in your Singapore store.
Great Product By Bens on 7/12/2015
    I have Bought the Sachtler L series, as the capacity is 6 kg as compared M series which was my original choice. L series not only lighter but the reach is higher, Many thanks for
the advice.
Friend from Philippines By Jun on 4/12/2015
     It took me more than 6 month to find out where I can get my
Sachtler Ace in Manila, I do not think this is available here Thanks to Expandore Manila office assistance, now this lovely toy is me helping me to producing great shoot in my country
Trade in Program possible ? By Andy Hau on 2/12/2015
    I have bought the Sachtler Ace from your store back in Nov 2011,
however due to change of my cameras, I would prefer to have Sachtler 6 or Sachtler Ace L series, Can I trade in my current Sachtler Ace Tripod ?
** Admin**2/12/2015 Please bring in your current Ace, and our people assess to it
By Yong on 1/12/2015
    I have noticed both Sachtler Ace and Sachtler FSB4, are having the same leg, except for the tripod head. FSB4 tripod head is definitely better than Ace, except the price.
Great After Sales service By Ong KK 27 /11/2015
     Thank you for my Ace spreader within 2 days, I bought this Tripod for less than 3 month and I have accidentally broke the spreader This guy have it fixed for me for free. Great help and
service, I would recommend more friends to visit your on line shop |