Overview : The AutoScript WP-NXU-SDI choice of newsrooms worldwide, WinPlus News software is an extremely powerful and versatile prompting package. User-friendly drop down menus
and configurable display options add to its versatility. The WinPlus News package comes complete with an X-Box Ultra, which provides four video outputs (PAL/NTSC) and Genlock option. Also included is a configurable 5 button Deskpad
Optical Scroll Control (HC-1).
AutoScript WP-NXU-SDI is compatible with all leading Newsroom systems (NCS) including AP Newscenter, ENPS, i-News, Dalet, News Wire/Open Media, Newsmaker, Newstar. MOS
Protocol: ENPS, News Works, Octopus and Eidoe Media. (Please call Autoscript for more information if newsroom interface is not listed.)

Product code: WP-NXU-SDI
AutoScript WP-NXU-SDI is laptop compatible. Based on successful X-Box USB external box solution for prompting, the X-Box Ultra provides enhanced features and capabilities making it ideal, especially for
portable prompting. Just plug it into a laptop or PC via the USB 2.0 interface. The video output is standard composite PAL or NTSC or with optional upgrade SDI. It runs with exactly the same WinPlus versions that run with the (now
discontinued) PCI Prompt Card, no additional operator training will be required. USB 2.0 allows faster response time from controllers. Next & Previous story
selection are instant with no lag, faster editing and on screen changes.
The AutoScript WP-NXU-SDI Genlock input can be used as the ControlNet connection for any Autoscript
controller (HC-1 Hand Control, MFC Magno Foot Control, WSC & WFC Wireless Hand and Foot Control). This input is self seeking with no jumper changes required on
the board. In essence, you can now run 100-150 metres from the X-Box Ultra to a control device or a Smart Combi (SCB) via the BNC that is marked as Genlock.
Specifications *Physical Data: XBOXULTRA Width: 180 mm (7.1 in.) Length: 260 mm (10.2 in.) Depth: 31 mm (1.2 in.) Weight: .1 Kg (2.2 lb) *Excluding controls and connectors.
Environmental Data: Operating temperature range: 5�C to +40�C (41�F to +104�F) Storage temperature range: -20�C to +60�C (-4�F to +140�F)
Electrical Data: AC power input: 90-260V ACDC power input: 12V DC DC power output: 12V DC, 1A AC power consumption: 0.1A DC power consumption: 1A
Connections Data: DC Power In Socket: Connector type: 4 pin XLR plug. Pin 1: GROUND Pin 4: +12V DC
DC Power Out Socket: Connector type: 3.5 mm mono jack socket. Tip +12V DC Sleeve GROUND
Serial Connection: Connector type: 9-way D socket.
Data format is standard RS232 voltage levels, 8 data, 1 stop, no parity, 2400
baud. Pin 1: TX Pin 5: GROUND Pin 8: RX Pin 9: +12 VDC
Control Net Connection: Connector type: BNC. Tip: Data Sleeve: Ground
USB Connection Conforms to USB 2.0 standard.
Video Out Sockets Connector type: 75Ω BNC socket. 2 x SDI Output 1 x Analog Output 1 x Analog Genlock 1 x SDI Genlock
Pin Signal Centre Composite Video In (PAL or NTSC) Outer GROUND (Cable screen) |