The BLM6000-B is a unique accessory tool that
enhances the versatility of your d:screet� miniature microphone. It is a soft
piece of durable rubber with a diameter of 75 mm. It has an underside cavity for
mounting a d:screet� 4060, 4061, 4062 or 4063 microphone.
When placing a microphone on a reflective boundary, you will benefit from the
special characteristics of the sound field found here - a 6 dB gain of direct
sound and just 3 dB gain of the diffuse sound. This means that the sound
captured from this so-called "pressure zone" has higher sensitivity, clarity,
and intelligibility compared to the sound captured from the "free air" and
serves neatly as a kind of acoustical zoom.
The BLM6000-B can be mounted on all surfaces that reflect sound such as floors,
walls or ceilings. Placing a d:screet� miniature microphone in this little
device on the inside lid of an open grand piano also provides a very distinct
and crispy sound.